Маслий Дмитрий Григорьевич
В художественной галерее "Беларт" Вы можете купить живопись Д. Маслий
Краткая биография художника Д. Маслий:
родился в 1954 г. в Минске / Беларусь/.
В 1982 г. закончил Белорусскую Академию искусств.
С 1988 г. член Белорусского союза художников.
Член Международной гильдии живописцев.
Участник более 50 коллективных и персональных выставок в разных странах мира.
Dmitry MASLY was born in 1954 year in city of Minsk (Belarus)
He graduated from the Byelarussian Academy of Arts in 1982.
Since 1988 he is a member of the Byelarussian Union of Artists.
He is also a member of the International Guild of Painters.
Participant of more than 50 collective and personal exibitions
in different all over the world.
List of Exhibitions of painting.
1981-1992 - Republican exhibitions (Minsk, Kiev, Riga, Leningrad, Moscow)
1993-96-99-2001 -Cultural Association of arts. The Castle “Roquevidal” (France)
1993 - “Salon-93” “Grand-Palais” Paris (France)
1998 - “Nadine Granier Gallery” Alby (France)
1999 - “Art-Salon” The central House of the artist Moscow (Russia)
1999 - “Gallery D-Art” Praga (Czech Republic)
2000 - Gallery “Mednis” Kaliningrad (Russia)
2001 - “Olimpic Centre” Roma (Italy)
2001 - “Art Centre” Portret-Sur-Garonne (France)
2002 - “Gallery Rustinoff” Saint-Paul-de Vence (France)
2002 - “Kursaal te Oostende” (Belgium)
2002 - “Art Centre” Delft (Holland)
2003 - “Art Gallery” Kansas City (USA)
2003 - Gallery “Art” Minsk (Belarus)
2003 - “Gallery de Heeren van Voorburg” (Holland)
2004 - “Espase Conseil General” Nevers (France)
2004 - “OWZPAP” Warszawa (Poland)
2005 - “Gallerie Mutmann” Marn (Germany)
2005 - “Nord-Ostsee Gallery” Flensburg (Germany)
2005 - “Schloss vor Husum” (Germany)
2006 - “Grafik Museum Stiftung Schreiner” (Germany)
2006 - “Museum of the Modern Art” (Belarus)
2007 - “Natinal Library” Minsk (Belarus)
2007 - Gallery “Atrium” Tallinn (Estonia)
2008 - “Bella Alexandra Gallery” Kronberg (Germany)
2010 - Unification of Artist “Artel” Minsk (Belarus)
2012 - “ Sed Art Gallery” Tallinn (Estonia)
2013 - “Art-Krok” National Library, Minsk (Belarus)
Работы Д. Маслий: